How good technology and the right mindset can assist organisations in mitigating the risks

With the participation of Justin Coss (ACC Australia) and Sylvain Mansotte (Whispli)

Read the transcript of this webinar on our blog

Justin Coss, ACC Australia’s President, will join Sylvain Mansotte, CEO & Co-founder of Whispli, for a discussion on how good technology combined with the right mindset can assist organisations in mitigating the risks related to misconduct and wrongdoing.

Sylvain was the whistleblower on a $20m+ fraud before turning investigator for that very same organisation. This experience prompted him to start Whispli, the industry leader in whistleblowing platforms for ethical and security-conscious organisations.

Since then, Whispli has helped hundreds of companies of all sizes (including the ACCC, Westpac and Qantas) implement their whistleblowing program.

What you’ll learn from this session:

  • Sylvain’s unique story and experience as a whistleblower
  • What makes a successful whistleblowing program
  • New ideas/thoughts on how to increase visibility on matters related to misconduct
  • How to engage your employees to speak up
  • Issues to consider in adapting your whistleblowing program to the new normal

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