Don’t take our word for it
Discover how Whispli helps hundreds of organizations to answer their specific compliance needs and build a strong Speak-Up culture every day
Sparking conversations about ethical issues
“Auchan’s retail teams have noticed a drastic decrease in the number of unsuccessful reports and a more fluid exchange with whistleblowers.”

Stéphane Bernardeau |
Chief Compliance Officer
A globlal Whistleblowing platform for +60 countries
“What distinguishes Whispli from others is the possibility to be quite free on the choice of configuration and its possibilities. It’s flexible and simple.”

Pierre Poujade |
Compliance Officer
Driving transparency in the workplace with a comprehensive solution for efficient case management processes
“The ability to report anonymously is good. Whether a reporter decides to use the online form or the digital hotline, it lowers the threshold to come forward when someone is ready to speak out.”

Tim Langelaar |
Director Privacy, Risk & Compliance
Finding and Implementing the Right Whistleblowing Platform to Address Doctolib’s Challenges
“We were looking for a solution that resembled Doctolib, something that is open, that inspires trust, and something that is simple to use. […]What really made the difference for us, it was really a full digital solution that was easy to use and simple to implement. ”

Olivier Foëx |
Head of Ethics & Compliance
Deploying a centralized ethics Speak Up line
“The implementation of an anonymous and secure online platform enables [our employees] to report any behavior that is criminal or inappropriate in terms of the Group’s ethical principles and values, regardless of where they are based.”

Laurence Acerbo |
Development Director
Building a Speak-Up culture
“We had some incidents that we wished we could have known about earlier. That is why we needed a whistleblowing platform”

Cholapatr Bhuripanyo | Managing Director
You're in Good Company
Whispli is an award-winning platform recommended by partners and clients alike